Museo Casa Diego Rivera, Guanajuato
Museo Casa Diego Rivera, Guanajuato
Museo Casa Diego Rivera, Guanajuato
Museo Casa Diego Rivera, Guanajuato
Positos No. 47
Centro Histórico
Guanajuato, Guanajuato
approximate cost
2 usd
General Admission
Children under 12 years, Free Entrance
Schedule: Open Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 am to 6:30 pm, Sunday 10 am to 2:30 pm. Closed Monday

About The Diego Rivera Museum

Located in the birthplace of the renowned Mexican painter, the collection of this museum consists of the collection of Ing. Marte R. Gomez mainly. Not only can you find some of the furniture and personal belongings of the family of the mural, there are nearly 100 original works of Rivera passing through several stylistic stages as his training and his cubist period.
You will see portraits, landscapes, nudes, allegories and sketches for murals.
