Zona Arqueológica Calakmul, Xpujil
Zona Arqueológica Calakmul, Xpujil
Zona Arqueológica Calakmul, Xpujil
Zona Arqueológica Calakmul, Xpujil
Zona Arqueológica Calakmul, Xpujil
Zona Arqueológica Calakmul, Xpujil
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Updated on: Ene 2024
Carr. Escárcega - Chetumal km 95
Xpujil, Campeche
At km 95, passing Conhuás, take the turnoff and continue 60 km (38 miles) more.
approximate cost
5 usd
General Admission
Schedule: Monday to Sunday 8 am to 5 pm

About Calakmul Archaeological Site

Calakmul means "Two Adjacent Mounds" in Mayan. Located in the southeast of Chetumal, this pre-Hispanic settlement became the capital of the Mayan state and enemy of Tikal.

At the site there are a total of 117 steles and many funerary tombs from which vessels and clothing of officials have been recovered.

In the middle of the jungle, a challenge when visiting the archaeological zone is to climb one of its monumental constructions: Structure II, with a height of 55 meters (the third tallest pyramid in Mexico), or Structure I with a height of 35 meters. Being at the top will show you the great diversity of flora and fauna that surrounds the site.
