Cheap Hotels in Todos Santos
Book the best Cheap Hotel's in Todos Santos
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at Todos Santos
at Todos Santos
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Offers and Deals
Cheap Hotels
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We are looking for the best rates for your trip
From 11 Rooms
Enjoy the magnificent climate and marvel at the sunset while staying at a hotel California.
in Downtown
Todos Santos
Special Offer
Los Colibris
From 6 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
next to the Hotel Villas La Mar
Todos Santos
Special Offer
El Hotelito
From 4 little houses
- air conditioning
- internet
in entrance of 3 gallines
Todos Santos
Special Offer
Todos Santos Boutique Hotel
From 8 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
Historic District, back from the Todos Santo...
Todos Santos
Special Offer
Bed & Breakfast
From 9 rooms and 2 little houses
- air conditioning
- internet
5 minutes North of the town
Todos Santos
Special Offer
Hacienda Todos Los Santos
From 4 suites 3 little houses
- air conditioning
- internet
near to the Downtown of Todos Santos
Todos Santos
Special Offer
Villa Santa Cruz
From 4 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
It's located 7.5 km (5 miles) from Todos San...
Todos Santos
Special Offer
San Cristóbal Baja
From 32 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
- pool
10 minutes from Downtown
Todos Santos
Special Offer
Perro Surfero
From 4 rooms
- internet
5 minutes from Todos Santos Downtown's
Todos Santos
Special Offer
Tribu Todos Santos
Boutique Glamping
From 3 suites and 12 tepees
Discover the impressive environment of Tribu Todos Santos through some fascinating landscapes that w...
short steps from the Beach
Todos Santos
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
La Bohemia
Bed & Breakfastone block from the Main Avenue of Todos Santos
Todos Santos, B. C. S.
Fee Level
Casa Tota
Boutiquehalf block from the Cultural Center
Todos Santos, B. C. S.
Fee Level
Posada La Poza
BoutiqueLa Poza neighborhood, 7 min from Downtown
Todos Santos, B. C. S.
Fee Level
Villas La Mar
in front of the La Poza Beach, 10 min from Downtown of Todos Santos
Todos Santos, B. C. S.
Fee Level
on the highway to Cabo San Lucas
Todos Santos, B. C. S.
Fee Level
Todos Santos, B. C. S.
Fee Level
Todos Santos Hostel
Glamping Hostel8 minutes from the Beach
Todos Santos, B. C. S.
Fee Level
Villa Bugambilias
5 minutes from the Bus Terminal
Todos Santos, B. C. S.
Fee Level