Cheap Hotels in Mineral del Monte
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at Mineral del Monte
at Mineral del Monte
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Cheap Hotels
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Real del Monte
From 15 rooms
- internet
- parking
next to the Casa Grande
Mineral del Monte
Special Offer
Real Hotel
From 23 rooms
Comfortable, with chimney, terrace, amenities and some with tub.
in front of Museum Mina de Acosta
Mineral del Monte
Special Offer
Alondra Hotel Boutique
From 10 rooms
Hotel Alondra houses great warmth and history in its stone walls, wrought iron and harmonious painti...
3 streets from the Main Avenue in Downtown
Mineral del Monte
Special Offer
Posada Castillo
From 9 rooms
- internet
- parking
10 minutes from Downtown
Mineral del Monte
Special Offer
Posada Castillo Panteón Inglés
From 13 rooms
- internet
- parking
2 minutes walking of English Pantheon
Mineral del Monte
Special Offer
Posada Real
From 23 Rooms
In this beautiful hotel you will enjoy the tranquility, comfort and beauty of the magical village of...
5 minutes from Downtown
Mineral del Monte
Special Offer
J&E by El Serranillo
From 20 rooms
- internet
- parking
5 minutes from Downtown
Mineral del Monte
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
5 minutes from Downtown
Mineral del Monte, Hgo.
Fee Level
Villa Alpina El Chalet
Villasin front of the gas station Casas Quemadas
Mineral del Monte, Hgo.
Fee Level
Rincón Del Real
4 blocks from Downtown
Mineral del Monte, Hgo.
Fee Level
Paraíso Real
next to Rosario Church
Mineral del Monte, Hgo.
Fee Level