Hotels in Valle de Guadalupe
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at Valle de Guadalupe
at Valle de Guadalupe
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Cuatro Cuatros
From 19 cabins
Cuatrocuatros is a settlement of fourteen cabanas nestled within vineyards and mountains overlooking...
Hotel located in 10 min from El Sauzal
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
Terra del Valle
Bed & Breakfast
From 5 rooms
- internet
- parking
500 meters from Baron Balch'e (vineyard)
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
Encuentro Guadalupe
Eco Resort Adults Only
From 22 lofts
- internet
- parking
- pool
5 minutes from Francisco Zarco
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
Valle de Guadalupe
From 26 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
2 blocks from Adobe Guadalupe
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
Casa Mayoral
Bed & Breakfast Eco Resort
From 4 rooms
- internet
- kitchenette
- parking
3 km (2 miles) from San Antonio de las Minas
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
Maglén Resort
Eco Resort
From 60 Rooms
Maglén Resort is the largest hotel complex located in Valle de Guadalupe. The Resort has rest areas...
Hotel located in San Antonio de las Minas
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
El Cielo Winery Resort
Boutique Luxury
From 95 suites
Our attractive suites are located in exclusive villas and are true paradises with warm and contempor...
8 minutes from El Porvenir Ejido
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
Villa Victoria
From 3 villas, 1 house
- internet
- kitchenette
- parking
3 minutes from the Main Highway
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
Casa Emiliana
Bed & Breakfast
From 7 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
La Cima del Valle
From 10 rooms
- parking
Hotel located in San Antonio de las Minas
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
From 5 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
15 minutes from Downtown of El Porvenir
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
Entre Viñedos by Hotel Valle de Guadalupe
From 10 rooms
It is located in a wine-growing environment surrounded by the main wineries of the region, among imp...
10 minutes at Downtown of Guadalupe Town in ...
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer
Rancho el Parral
From 4 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
Highway of The Tiger turn left at 5 min from...
Valle de Guadalupe
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
Hacienda Guadalupe
in the Route of the Wine
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
La Villa del Valle
30 minutes from Ensenada
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Adobe Guadalupe
Bed & Breakfast30 mins. from Ensenada
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Plaza Fátima
Hotel located in San Antonio de las Minas
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Rancho L-86
BoutiqueHotel located in San Antonio de las Minas
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
BoutiqueValle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Bed & Breakfast Eco Resorta 700 meters front the Casa Pedro Domecq
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Finca Koochaege
1 km from the highway
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Finca La Divina
Bed & BreakfastHotel located in San Antonio de las Minas
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Campera Hotel Burbuja
GlampingHotel located in El Porvenir
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Rancho El Sarape
Ranchin front of the Vineyards Liceaga
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Rancho María Teresa
Ranch30 mins. from Ensenada
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Vientos del Valle
Boutique150 meters from the Main Road and 500 meters from San Antonio de las Minas
Valle de Guadalupe, B. C.
Fee Level
Quintas Marlet
Hotel located in Ensenada
Ensenada, B. C.
Fee Level