Hotels in Diamond Riviera Area, Acapulco
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Camino Real Diamante
Deluxe Grand Hotel
From 157 rooms
Meaning of Mexican Hospitality with tradition, style and warmth, with accommodation services in uniq...
15 minutes from Airport
Special Offer
Quinta Real Acapulco
Deluxe Grand Hotel
From 61 suites
Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, Quinta Real is your best ally to make your stay ...
In the Zone Diamond, to 15 min of the Airpor...
Special Offer
Banyan Tree Cabo Marqués
Deluxe Grand Hotel
From 45 villas
- internet
- parking
- pool
20 minutes from Airport
Special Offer
From 44 Rooms
The hotel architecture translates into a meeting point between light, nature and spaces to read, lis...
On the road scenic, the entrance from 50 met...
Special Offer
Holiday Inn La Isla
From 101 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
in Diamante Zone, 3 minutes of the Plaza La ...
Special Offer
Las Brisas
From 251 rooms
Enjoy the perfect family holidays with entertainment designed for all ages at Las Brisas Hotel Colle...
20 minutes from Airport
Special Offer
Ocean Breeze Acapulco
From 112 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
- pool
5 kms from Acapulco International Airport
Special Offer
Pierre Mundo Imperial
Deluxe Grand Hotel
From 229 Rooms
Set in a beachfront setting with mango trees, lemon trees and palm trees, Pierre Mundo Imperial is a...
in the Revolcadero Beach, 10 min from the Ai...
Special Offer
Princess Mundo Imperial Riviera Diamante Acapulco
Deluxe Grand Hotel
From 1011 Rooms
Overlooking Revolcadero Beach, Princess Mundo Imperial is a family resort where the fun never ends. ...
10 min from the airport
Special Offer
Park Royal Acapulco
From 218 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
right on the beach, zone the breezes
Special Offer
Villamar Princesa Suites
From 25 suites
- air conditioning
- internet
- kitchenette
- parking
- pool
5 min from the Airport
Special Offer
Olinalá Diamante
From 14 rooms
Double rooms, rooms for up to six people, and 2-bedroom suites, air-conditioning, living room, dinin...
on Nations Boulevard, in the diamante zone
Special Offer
From 28 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
- pool
7 minutes from Puerto Marques Bay
Special Offer
Ashly Boulevard
From 45 rooms
Located in the central area of Acapulco Diamante, we are 20 minutes from the Mundo Imperial Forum, t...
in the Diamante Beach
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
Del Sol Villas
opposite to Las Brisas
Acapulco, Gro.
Fee Level
Chapul Inn
10 minutes World Imperial Expo
Acapulco, Gro.
Fee Level
Villas Sol Diamante
Villas8 minutes from Airport
Acapulco, Gro.
Fee Level
Casa del Lirio
Eco Resortin the Diamante Zone, 2 minutes of the Plaza Diamante (Mall)
Acapulco, Gro.
Fee Level
Club Diamante
5 minutes from the Revolcadero Beach
Acapulco, Gro.
Fee Level
Jardín Princesa
200 m of the Club of Princess Golf, in the Zone It makes shine
Acapulco, Gro.
Fee Level