Hotels in Marina Vallarta (Navy) Area, Puerto Vallarta
Book your Hotel with the best Offers and the best price in Marina Vallarta (Navy) Area, Puerto Vallarta
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at Puerto Vallarta
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Casa Velas
From 80 suites
- internet
- parking
- pool
Hotel located in Marina Vallarta Zone
Puerto Vallarta
Special Offer
Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort and Spa
4 diamonds
From 433 rooms
Deluxe with balcony and Mexican-inspired decor, with cable TV, minibar and ironing.
in front of the Beach
Puerto Vallarta
Special Offer
Velas Vallarta
From 345 suites
- internet
- parking
- pool
5 mins. from the airport
Puerto Vallarta
Special Offer
Comfort Inn Puerto Vallarta
From 121 rooms
We provide friendly service and endless number of amenities to both business travelers and leisure t...
in front of the Marina Vallarta golf course
Puerto Vallarta
Special Offer
Westin Resort and Spa Puerto Vallarta
Deluxe Grand Hotel
From 280 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
5 mins. from the Airtport
Puerto Vallarta
Special Offer
Flamingo Vallarta Hotel and Marina
From 96 rooms
Balcony overlooking the marina, A / C, fan, TV, iron, safe, telephone with free local calls.
10 minutes from downtown
Puerto Vallarta
Special Offer
Meliá Puerto Vallarta
From 316 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
10 min from City Airport
Puerto Vallarta
Special Offer
Vamar Vallarta
From 253 rooms
Decorated in a nautilus design with view to the gardens, mountain or the ocean.
10 minutes of the Convention Center
Puerto Vallarta
Special Offer
San Trópico
Boutique Suites
From 14 Rooms
Complex surf and yoga located between the beach and Marina Vallarta. An amazing place to stay with f...
600 meters from the Beach, in Marina Vallart...
Puerto Vallarta
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins