Hotels in Tlaquepaque
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La Casa del Retoño
From 8 Rooms
In Casa del Retoño, you can enjoy of the comfort, tranquility and warmth of a Mexican family house,...
2 blocks from the Parian
Special Offer
La Villa del Ensueño
From 20 Rooms
La Villa del Ensueño is a charming and intimate bed and breakfast inn, built in the traditional Mex...
In the Heart of one of the Most Important Cr...
Special Offer
San Pietro
From 10 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
3 bocks from Parian of Tlaquepaque
Special Offer
Quinta Don José
From 18 rooms
Our hotel offers beautifully tiled pool and garden areas, an intimate bar, a sun terrace and a tree-...
downtown, 1 block from El Parian
Special Offer
One Tapatío
From 126 rooms
- internet
- parking
8 minutes from Tlaquepaque Downtown
Special Offer
La Posada de la Media Luna
Bed & Breakfast
From 18 rooms
- internet
15 mins. from the Downtown
Special Offer
Radisson Tapatío Guadalajara
From 123 rooms
Radisson Tapatío Guadalajara is your best lodging option near the Airport, with spectacular panoram...
Alongside a hill 5 minutes from the airport
Special Offer
Casa Campos
Bed & Breakfast
From 11 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
2 blocks from town square
Special Offer
Posada Virreyes
From 89 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
a flank of the Cattle Dealer Union
Special Offer
Maioris Guadalajara
From 70 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
5 minutes from the University ITESO
Special Offer
Casona Tlaquepaque
From 10 Rooms
Boutique hotel with temazcal spa & gourmet restaurant exclusive rooms of a mansion more than a centu...
2 streets and a half from The Parian (Restau...
Special Offer
Puerta San Pedro
From 20 rooms
Enjoy our comfortable rooms made for your rest and comfort, as well as our facilities created to mak...
5 streets from Hidalgo Park
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
Casa Armonía
Boutiqueone block from the Municipal Presidency
Tlaquepaque, Jal.
Temporarily closed
Casa Tlaquepaque
Boutique2 blocks from shopping
Tlaquepaque, Jal.
Fee Level