27 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

In the restaurant of Hotel Casareyna, you can enjoy authentic Poblana cuisine, recipes handed d ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla

In the restaurant of Hotel Casareyna, you can enjoy authentic Poblana cuisi ...

Historic Downtown Area 
27 usd
Typical Pueblan Cuisine
25 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

With three spaces to taste your food (two intimate lounges and patio), the menu consists mainly ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Cocina Tipica Poblana

With three spaces to taste your food (two intimate lounges and patio), the ...

Historic Downtown Area 
25 usd
Traditional Puebla Style
24 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

The aim of this restaurant is that diners traveling through time to ancient recipes that are ma ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Tradicional Poblana

The aim of this restaurant is that diners traveling through time to ancient ...

Historic Downtown Area 
24 usd
Traditional - Contemporary
32 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

'Traditionally contemporary' it is as described and seek to rescue those typical ancestral flav ...

Tradicional - Contemporánea

'Traditionally contemporary' it is as described and seek to rescue those ty ...

32 usd
4 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

One of the best ways to fully experience the Poblana experience is eating one of the famous cem ...


One of the best ways to fully experience the Poblana experience is eating o ...

4 usd
Haute Mexican Cuisine
29 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

In an old house in the heart of the historic center, opens its doors this restaurant that makes ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Alta Cocina Mexicana

In an old house in the heart of the historic center, opens its doors this r ...

Historic Downtown Area 
29 usd
Traditional Poblana Cuisine
28 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

The restaurant of the Hotel Casona of China Poblana offers the best of traditional Puebla cuisi ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Cocina Tradicional Poblana

The restaurant of the Hotel Casona of China Poblana offers the best of t ...

Historic Downtown Area 
28 usd
Mexican Cuisine
20 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

With over 30 years of tradition, this restaurant offers typical Mexican and poblano food like m ...


With over 30 years of tradition, this restaurant offers typical Mexican and ...

20 usd
8 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

The particularity of this restaurant is that the menu is composed exclusively of breakfast but ...


The particularity of this restaurant is that the menu is composed exclusive ...

8 usd
8 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

For 81 years, Antigua Taquería la Oriental has perfected the production of Arabic tacos whose t ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Tacos Árabes

For 81 years, Antigua Taquería la Oriental has perfected the production of ...

Historic Downtown Area 
8 usd
10 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Has a legacy of over 100 years, its poblana gastronomic heritage has been handed down to 5 gene ...


Has a legacy of over 100 years, its poblana gastronomic heritage has been h ...

10 usd
Mexican and Poblana
26 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

The culinary proposal of "La Tentación", the restaurant of El Sueño Hotel + Spa, fuses ingredie ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Mexicana y Poblana

The culinary proposal of "La Tentación", the restaurant of El Sueño Hotel + ...

Historic Downtown Area 
26 usd
Contemporary Poblana
23 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Augurio offers Poblano food based on ingredients originating in the region. Its chef Ángel Vázq ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Poblana Contemporánea

Augurio offers Poblano food based on ingredients originating in the region. ...

Historic Downtown Area 
23 usd
Mexican and Spanish
27 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

This restaurant offers a culinary experience based on traditional Mexican and Spanish recipes t ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Mexicana y Española

This restaurant offers a culinary experience based on traditional Mexican a ...

Historic Downtown Area 
27 usd
Creative International
34 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

With a kitchen that includes flavors from Mexico, Spain, Vietnam, Morocco, France, Brazil and J ...

Creativa Internacional

With a kitchen that includes flavors from Mexico, Spain, Vietnam, Morocco, ...

34 usd
Kitchen Cravings
20 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

It is a restaurant of poblana food with homemade seasoning; We offer very rich dishes in a comf ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Cocina de Antojos

It is a restaurant of poblana food with homemade seasoning; We offer ver ...

Historic Downtown Area 
20 usd
19 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Located in Los Portales, it is already a landmark of Puebla. Although it is part of the hotel t ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla

Located in Los Portales, it is already a landmark of Puebla. Although it is ...

Historic Downtown Area 
19 usd
Traditional Poblana Cuisine
18 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

In this restaurant by Chef Antonio Trillo you will find a fusion of colors, textures and aromas ...

Historic Downtown Area Puebla
Cocina Tradicional Poblana

In this restaurant by Chef Antonio Trillo you will find a fusion of colo ...

Historic Downtown Area 
18 usd