Grutas de la Estrella, Ixtapan de la Sal
Grutas de la Estrella, Ixtapan de la Sal
Grutas de la Estrella, Ixtapan de la Sal
Grutas de la Estrella, Ixtapan de la Sal
Carr. Ixtapan de la Sal - Taxco km 14.5
Ixtapan de la Sal, Estado de México
Located in Tonatico, 15 minutes from the city.
user-reported cost
2 usd
General Admission
Schedule: Open daily, from 10 am to 4 pm. Closed on Mondays

About La Estrella Caves

To enjoy these caves and wonderful formations of stalactites and stalagmites due to runoff of water in its rocks, you'll have two options. A journey for the normal tourist through the different rooms and admire the formations that have been made; and another adventurer down to the underground river El Zapote. This last walk only takes place between February and June, that we're planning in advance.

More Information

Underground River Tour
General Admission $ 15 usd
