Zona Arqueológica de Sayil, Mérida
Zona Arqueológica de Sayil, Mérida
Zona Arqueológica de Sayil, Mérida
Zona Arqueológica de Sayil, Mérida
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Mérida, Yucatán
The Puuc Route, 118 km (73 miles) south of the Merida city
approximate cost
4 usd
General Admission
Schedule: Daily, from 8:30 am to 5 pm

About Archaeological Zone Sayil

One of the most important cities of the Puuc region, is composed of five large concentrations of buildings which indicate that it was a very populated place with a high degree of social organization and craftsmanship. In this place to visit the buildings of El Gran Palacio and El Mirador stand out, as well as having five or six types of houses: from palaces with 99 rooms, to smaller and common buildings with five rooms.
