Hotels in Haciendas de Yucatán
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at Haciendas de Yucatán
All the Hotels
Offers and Deals
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Hacienda Misné
From 50 rooms
Hacienda Misné is a historic building from the 18th century in which elements of Spanish and French...
Hotel located in Mérida
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda San José Cholul
From 15 rooms
Marvelous suites and Mayan houses, as well as spacious rooms, some with terraces, gardens or jacuzzi...
Hotel located in Tixkokob
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Temozón
From 28 rooms
Luxurious rooms featuring high ceilings and thick walls, which help preserve the distinct feel of an...
Hotel located in Temozón Sur
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Santa Cruz
From 11 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
- pool
Hotel located in Mérida
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Xcanatun by Angsana
Boutique Luxury
From 18 suites
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
- pool
Hotel located in Mérida
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Chichén
From 28 rooms
- internet
- pool
Hotel located in Chichén Itzá
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Santuario Noc Ac
From 8 rooms
Hacienda Santuario Noc Ac is a privileged area surrounded by tropical jungle with wide spaces and ga...
Hotel located in Mérida
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Ticum
From 15 rooms
Our hotel is an exclusive getaway for a perfect relaxing vacation in the exaltation of Mexican life....
Hotel located in Tixkokob
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda San Pedro Nohpat
From 7 suites
- internet
- parking
- pool
Hotel located in Mérida
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Santa Rosa
From 11 suites
Cozy and luxurious, the rooms feature high ceilings and thick walls, as well as all services.
Hotel located in Santa Rosa
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda San Francisco Tzacalha
From 23 rooms
- internet
- parking
- pool
Hotel located in Dzidzantún
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Sacnicte
From 10 suites
The most exclusive Hotel that offers its visitors the best experience in luxury lodging.
Hotel located in Izamal
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Uxmal
From 80 rooms
- air conditioning
- parking
- pool
Hotel located in Uxmal
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer
Hacienda Sánchez
From 45 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
- pool
Hotel located in Valladolid
Haciendas de Yucatán
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
Hacienda Santo Domingo
BoutiqueHotel located in Izamal
Izamal, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda Teya
Hotel located in Mérida
Mérida, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda San José Poniente
Bed & BreakfastHotel located in Hoctún
Hoctún, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda Tepich
Hotel located in Acanceh
Acanceh, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda Viva Sotuta de Peón
Hotel located in Mérida
Mérida, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda San Miguel
Hotel located in Valladolid
Valladolid, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda Kaan Ac
Hotel located in Valladolid
Valladolid, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda Kancabchén
Hotel located in Baca
Baca, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda Petac
LuxuryHotel located in Petac
Petac, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda San Antonio Millet
DeluxeHotel located in Tixkokob
Tixkokob, Yuc.
Fee Level
Hacienda Yunkú
Hotel located in Abalá
Abalá, Yuc.
Fee Level