Los Arcos, Arteaga
Los Arcos, Arteaga
Los Arcos, Arteaga
Los Arcos, Arteaga
Calle Eulalio Gutierrez s/n
Arteaga, Coahuila
Located in San Antonio De Las Alazanas, 16 km (10 miles) east of Monterreal
6 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 7 pm

About Los Arcos Restaurant

In this small restaurant they serve typical food from the northeast of the country and although their menu is not small, it is delicious. It has an interesting decoration based on paintings and crafts that at times make you think that you are in a gift shop. Also here you can buy canned fruit and cakes.

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Los Arcos Restaurant