El Mexicano, Ixmiquilpan
El Mexicano, Ixmiquilpan
El Mexicano, Ixmiquilpan
El Mexicano, Ixmiquilpan
The best place with the best food
Insurgentes Pte. km 165
Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo
in front of the bus station
18 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Monday to Sunday 8:30 am to 7 pm
Monday to Sunday 8:30 am to 7 pm

About El Mexicano Restaurant

It was founded in 1992 selling only chickens coal and gradually grew, not only in terms of physical space, also its menu that now has multiple options of the most typical dishes of Mexican food. Poultry, seafood, grilled ... well, there are plenty to choose from.
