Enrique, Tulancingo
Enrique, Tulancingo
Enrique, Tulancingo
Enrique, Tulancingo
Enrique, Tulancingo
Enrique, Tulancingo
Enrique, Tulancingo
Enrique, Tulancingo
Tomas Alba Edisón No. 301
Tulancingo, Hidalgo
1 km from the Downtown
16 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Daily from 8 am to 7 pm

About Enrique Restaurant

It specializes in regional cuisine and has done so for over 50 years. Barbecue baked mixiotes, Escamoles are some of the typical dishes with all the flavor and seasoning of Tulancingo. So if you're looking for something very regional, this is the place you should go.
