Los Gordos, Tepatitlán
Los Gordos, Tepatitlán
Los Gordos, Tepatitlán
Los Gordos, Tepatitlán
Anacleto Gonzalez Flores No. 1006
Tepatitlán, Jalisco
a few steps from the bus station
11 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Open daily from 8 am to 6 pm

About Los Gordos Restaurant

Every time we talk about Alteña gastronomy there is no better reference than Los Gordos and this is because they have more than 50 years of tradition in Tepatitlán. They offer 100% Mexican food, but it should be mentioned that their specialty is carnitas. So if you went to Tepa and you didn't just eat at Los Gordos, you didn't go.
