Mariscos Lalos, Tangancícuaro
Mariscos Lalos, Tangancícuaro
Mariscos Lalos, Tangancícuaro
Mariscos Lalos, Tangancícuaro
Mariscos Lalos, Tangancícuaro
Mariscos Lalos, Tangancícuaro
Paseo de La Teneria No. 62
Tangancícuaro, Michoacán
a few meters from the junction to Lake Camecuaro
10 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Open daily from 12 pm to 6 pm

About Mariscos Lalos Restaurant

The spacious space of this restaurant is decorated with country-style tables and chairs, fresh and relaxed. Among the dishes that can be found on the menu are the shrimps, shrimp ceviche, toast, and grilled fish. It is ideal to go with family.

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Mariscos Lalos Restaurant

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