Grutas Xoxafi, Actopan
Grutas Xoxafi, Actopan
Grutas Xoxafi, Actopan
Grutas Xoxafi, Actopan
Actopan, Hidalgo
Located 17 km ( 10 miles ) northwest of Actopan
Schedule: • Monday to Friday 9 am to 6 pm
last tour before 4 pm
• Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 7 pm
last tour before 5 pm

About Xoxafi Grottoes

The wonderful thing about these caves is that you not only enjoy their ancient stalactites and stalagmites, but you can also practice other activities within them, something that does not happen often in other caves. Besides the traditional walk, if you want you can practice rappelling and Tyrolean. Everything inside this cavernous space.


Entry by Exit
$830 mxn
- Extreme Tunnel
- Adventure Tunnel
- Zipline Circuit 2
- Meal

2 days / 1 night
$2,640 mxn
2 people simple cabin- Extreme tunnel- Adventure tunnel- Circuit 2 Zip line- Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

For 2 people $600 mxn
For 4 people $900 mxn

Hotels near
Xoxafi Grottoes