Akumal Monkey Sanctuary, Akumal
Akumal Monkey Sanctuary, Akumal
Akumal Monkey Sanctuary, Akumal
Akumal Monkey Sanctuary, Akumal
Akumal Monkey Sanctuary, Akumal
Akumal Monkey Sanctuary, Akumal
Akumal Monkey Sanctuary, Akumal
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Camino Uxuxubi s/n
Akumal, Quintana Roo
5 minutes from the Main Highway
user-reported cost
75 usd
60 usd
Cost of children 5 to 11 years
Schedule: Open daily, from 9 am to 4 pm

About Akumal Monkey Sanctuary

It knows the home of diverse species that were rescued and donated by a circus. You can see from the emblematic spider monkey, a great diversity of primates, different species of birds such as the red macaw, African gray parrot and others such as zebras, snakes and ostriches. The tour includes a guided tour to learn the history of each of these species, 30 minute interaction with the primates and visit to a cenote. This tour lasts approximately 2 hours.
