Tehueco, El Fuerte
Tehueco, El Fuerte
Tehueco, El Fuerte
Tehueco, El Fuerte
El Fuerte, Sinaloa
Located 30 minutes from El Fuerte

About Tehueco Town

A place where prehispanic mixed Catholic beliefs, the place is one of the seven ceremonial centers of the region. As he passes the Rio Fuerte and the natural environment surrounding the town's main source of livelihood.
Visit the ceremonial center, the old Jesuit mission, the Church of Dolores and Miguel Angel Morales Ibarra Community Museum. All testimonials of ideological syncretism. In the place where there is a community museum objects mainly ceremonial tradition of Easter Yoreme shown: costumes, masks and musical instruments. Also contains objects that speak of everyday life and work in the past.

More Information

The site hosts a Museum:

Open Tuesday to Saturday: 9 am to 6 pm
Free Entrance
Phone +52 698 893-0117
