Grutas de Coconá, Villahermosa
Grutas de Coconá, Villahermosa
Grutas de Coconá, Villahermosa
Grutas de Coconá, Villahermosa
Grutas de Coconá, Villahermosa
Villahermosa, Tabasco
Located in Teapa, 57 km (34.2 miles) from Villahermosa.
approximate cost
3 usd
1 usd
Schedule: Open daily, from 9 am to 5 pm

About Coconá Caves

Discovered by chance by Romulo Calzada and Laureano brothers in 1876, they are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful caves in Tabasco. Throughout almost 500 meters divided into eight rooms journey you'll see a lot of stalactites.
Although not very large, it has a particular lagoon you see from walkers and 35 meters deep cave fish houses.
