DONATION OF SUPPORT and / or buying an item from the store
Schedule: Release 7:30 am to 9 am
end of May to end of July
end of May to end of July
About Release of Turtles
On Tecolutla beach you can be part of one of the most important projects in the area: the protection and conservation of leatherback, hawksbill and green turtles.
The turtles come to lay their eggs between the months of May to September and it is precisely at that time when the association takes the eggs to protect them from their natural predators.
During the months of June and July the newborn turtles are returned to the sea . More than 30,000 baby turtles are released every year and you can be part of this unique experience.
You will be amazed to be part of something really important! Seven of the eight species of sea turtles in the world spawn on Mexican beaches.
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Release of Turtles
Release of Turtles