Castillo de Teayo, Tuxpam
Castillo de Teayo, Tuxpam
Castillo de Teayo, Tuxpam
Castillo de Teayo, Tuxpam
Castillo de Teayo, Tuxpam
Castillo de Teayo, Tuxpam
Tuxpam, Veracruz
Located 55 minutes northeast of Tuxpan
approximate cost
General Admission
Schedule: Monday through Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm

About Castillo de Teayo

The first thing your arrival time this municipality is a great pyramid of 11.5 meters high, is a construction of the Toltec culture which is in the middle of the town's main square. On one side of the pyramid is the museum, which houses sculptures and gravestones found in the area.
